02 9986 1366 sales@rcsair.com.au
Fire Damper

Fire Dampers

Industrial – Commercial – Residential

FSA Accreditation Number:  F051590A

RCS Air Fire Damper

RCS Air are specialists in Fire Damper maintenance and service. 

Our team have over 35 years history in managing the risk involved with installation and servicing of fire dampers in Australia.

We have installed thousands of fire dampers in building  upgrades.

Installers and builders often don’t understand the intention of AS 1668.2 and they often get it wrong. Fire damper inspection and servicing is not complex, these are simple passive systems. Unfortunately in Australia many HVAC contractors don’t understand these simple requirements.

RCS Air can provide expert advice on requirements relating to AS 1668.1 and AS 1682.1&2

We are proud of our record is smoke control and can add value and safety to your asset.

RCS Air Fire Damper