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Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters

Thermal-XR Treatment – Power Logging – Berowra RFS Headquarters


Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters


This report summarises the power used at the Berowra RFS Headquarters building before and after Thermal-XR, a thermally conductive coil coating was applied to the air conditioning units installed at the site.


Five Daikin 30kw heat recovery units are installed on the site, and the applicator has indicated that all units had the coating applied.

The report is based on data logged by Mt Colah Electrical, using an AEMC Model 8335 instrument to record power data including Amps, voltages and wattages for the complete building. The data provided covers the period from the 12th November 2019 through to the 4th December 2019 with the coil coating applied on the 22nd November.

Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - using ClimaCheck
Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - using ClimaCheck


Five Daikin 30kw heat recovery units are installed on the site, and the applicator has indicated that all units had the coating applied.

The report is based on data logged by Mt Colah Electrical, using an AEMC Model 8335 instrument to record power data including Amps, voltages and wattages for the complete building. The data provided covers the period from the 12th November 2019 through to the 4th December 2019 with the coil coating applied on the 22nd November.

Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - Application

Thermal-XR Coil Treatment

Thermal-XR is a condenser coil coating that is intended to recover/improve heat transfer of corroded condenser coils, the application process involves:

  • Cleaning the condenser coils (the applicator has indicated that the coils, prior to treatment were “well serviced and relatively clean”.
  • Pre-treating the coils
  • Applying the Thermal-XR coating

The treatment is expected to optimise the heat transfer properties of the condenser coils thereby improving operating efficiency, lowering energy consumption and peak loads. The coating supplier has indicated that the coating is also “intended to provide ongoing corrosion protection and thereby extend the life of coils by at least ten years, with maintenance”.

Daily Power Usage

The energy usage data provided, was filtered to remove days for which the logged data did not cover a full 24hr period, this data was then plotted along with weather data for the closest BOM data site (Terry Hills, Sydney).

Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - Daily Power Usage
Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - Daily Power Usage

Daily Power Usage

The energy usage data provided, was filtered to remove days for which the logged data did not cover a full 24hr period, this data was then plotted along with weather data for the closest BOM data site (Terry Hills, Sydney).

The above diagram and chart below show a reduction in energy usage between the pre-treatment (13 Nov – 18 Nov) and post treatment (25 Nov – 3 Dec) periods (coating applied 22nd November) even though the operating conditions might be considered to be slightly more onerous in the post treatment period – slightly higher temperatures and humidity.


Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - Daily Power Usage

Peak Currents

Prior to treatment occurring a safety protection device (SPD) was tripping, after treatment the device did not trip during the monitoring period. The graph below includes all data monitored and provides the peak amps measured on each day.

Thermal-XR Case Study - Berowra RFS Headquarters - Daily Peak Amps

Report conducted by Australia M2M Pty Ltd
16th March 2020

This above report contains information about recorded energy usage prior to and after the application of a condenser coil treatment, Thermal XR. The information does not constitute professional advice and should not be treated as such.

Australis M2M Pty Ltd, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party’s use or the results of such use of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, or recommendation. Australis M2M Pty Ltd reserves the right to make changes without notice